training & Practice

New Date: Sept. 12
Non-Ick Sales Funnels

Say goodbye to sleazy sales tactics and hello to ethical, effective sales funnels. IKR?! Discover how to create sales funnels that feel genuine, build trust, and delight your audience at every step of the journey. We'll debunk the myths of pushy marketing and explore strategies that prioritize authenticity and empathy every step of the way. 
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What's Inside


Jen McFarland

I’m the founder and CEO of Women Conquer Business, a boutique digital marketing consultancy that helps service businesses slay digital marketing overwhelm and streamline processes, so you can amplify your impact. Whether it’s getting 1 million more web visitors or generating 40% of your leads from Google, we use data-driven insights to help you get more perfect-fit leads without feeling icky. We deliver on our promise through individual consulting engagements and our online, community-focused marketing group, the Strategic Marketing Membership.